24 Ocak 2016 Pazar

Galata Tower

galata tower
Galata Towers

For 13 TL the Galata Tower gives you the best view of Istanbul, across the Bosphorus, the Golden Horn and even Adalar islands. It is open until 8 / 8.30 pm. Do not hesitate to inquire about the time of sunset as this is the best place to watch a wildly romantic view of a city ablaze with colours. The prayers rising in the sunset will bring shivers to your spine and make the evening unforgettable.

We don’t usually recommend stuff that is in every guidebook, but watching Istanbul from Galata Tower is one of most subtle ways of relating to this old and wise city, and this is more than enough to have him in our website. From the top of the tower you can see all seven hills of Istanbul along with every epoch and state of mind that she witnessed. You have Bosporus on one side and Golden Horn on the other and the old city with Topkapı Palace lies in front of you: a 360 degree view of Istanbul. With just a little bit of imagination, you can feel like a tower watchman from as early as the 6th century, looking out for the ships entering into the Bosporus, and setting off all the alarms in case of danger. How we wish İhsan Oktay Anar’s book was translated into English (Atlas of Misty Continents)! But it is available in French and German, so sooner or later, it will be translated into English, no worries.Galata Tower is visible from almost every corner of Istanbul, and you can see an amazing Istanbul view from this tower. It is a historical monument indeed, built in the 6th century as a lighthouse by Byzantines, when Ottomans conquered Istanbul it was used as a dungeon, then in the 16th century it was a fire tower, and after a serious fire incident, Genoese rebuilt the tower in stone and give the tower its final shape etc. etc.

How to get there : The easiest way is to get off the tram Karaköy (blue line) and walk along the streets and stairs, follow the crowd and you will get there.

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